Why Do You Crossdress ?

WHY ??? Why do we crossdress ?? That is the age old question. Everyone is looking for an explanation as to why they find the act of wearing clothes of the opposite sex so appealing. Why do YOU crossdress ?? What is YOUR reason ?

For some it may be the clothing, the way it feels on the skin. The feel of skin tight leather, or smooth silk, or even pretty lace.  Maybe it stimulates your senses in some way, maybe it stimulates ALL your senses and
others say it relaxes them, and is a way to relieve themselves from a stressful day to put on a sexy dress and a pair of high heels.  Maybe they escape a bit from life and get to be in someone elses "shoes" for a little while.

Maybe you crossdress for a purely sexual reason. Maybe it turns you on to put on a sexy pair of stockings. Maybe THIS is the reason you started crossdressing, and now your crossdressing has been motivated to entire new level and now you crossdress for the simple fact that it FEELS good & it brings a sense of inner peace.

For some crossdressing makes them feel complete, it makes them feel like the person on the outside NOW matches the person on the inside & they connect with the girl within. They have a true appreciation for women.

For others it could be the makeup & the fashion . Getting all dolled up can be a wonderful experience, wearing lipstick, nail polish & perfume Why should only women be allowed to wear pretty dresses & skirts right?

You can ponder all day on the question as to WHY you like to crossdress. Everyone will have a different reason , or explanation. Maybe some of you are like me, and gave up wondering why and just ask yourself " WHY NOT" No matter what the reason is just remember this is supposed to be fun, and enjoy your girl time. Why do YOU Crossdress ? What is YOUR reason?? Is it listed here ? or do you have a different reason...feel free to  share your reason in the comment section below. xoxo