Crossdressing Beard Cover Makeup Tips How To Hide & Conceal A 5 O'Clock Shadow Product Review

Beard cover is one of the most important, if not THE most important step in doing your makeup as a crossdresser.  Hiding that beard stubble & 5 o'clock shadow can be a challenge.  Recently I was turned on to a new product to help hide that dreaded beard shadow and what I like about it is it is VERY light, and with a great shave, can go right under your foundation.

Mehron Clown Pink is a great product to use before your foundation. It neutralizes the dark/blue shade of your beard hair FIRST. Apply lightly over your beard areas with a sponge applicator, then apply your normal foundation over the top.

I have added this product to my daily makeup routine and I am happy with the results, it gives you full coverage with alot less of a cake look . Less is always more when it comes to makeup. Highly recommended. To check out Mehron Clown Pink you can see it RIGHT HERE

There are so many products out there for beard cover, and what is MOST important is that you find the products that work best for YOU for more information on different beard cover products and great shaving tips CLICK HERE