Finally I had a chance to hit the famous "Friends Of Triangles " TG/CD Party hosted by Tiffany Leigh that takes place at Triangles Cafe in Danbury CT. For 9 years this was THE place to go if you are anywhere in the North East. Since I ONLY work on weekends as a DJ, this party always conflicted with my work schedule, so it has been impossible for me to attend. Luckily the stars aligned and I was able to make the 2 hour trek from New York up to Danbury Ct to finally check the place out I have been missing out on and hearing so much about.
I am glad I made it up to Danbury when I did, because unfortunately the venue which hosted the event has now fact without any of us knowing, it was the LAST night and we sent it out with a bang. So to me, it was nice to finally experience the famous "Friends Of Triangles" party and also be a part of history by being there on the final night. Better late than never right ?? And the party lived up to it's reputation, even in a snowstorm, many girls made the journey which actually made the event and everyone who attended a bit more intimate.
Tiffany Leigh is the ultimate host, who makes everyone who attends her parties feel welcomed and comfortable. I noticed this right away, as any girl she did not know or was a first timer she quickly made it a point to introduce herself and welcome them into the community with open arms. Triangles the venue may have closed, but Tiffany has vowed to find a new venue to continue the tradition of throwing one of , if not THE best CD/TG parties on the east coast. So have no fear those of you living or visiting the East Coast Tiffany is currently searching for a new home to throw her events & parties, and I have no doubt that when the perfect venue is found, Tiffany Leigh's parties are only going to be bigger and better. Stay Tuned...something tells me that come May we may all have a new party spot to create a whole new set of friends and memories. xoxo.
Looking for some crossdressing events to hold you over till the next party?? Check out these events coming up in March & April.
Keystone Conference March 18th - 22 Harrisburg PA more info CLICK HERE
RAVEN 24 April 10th- 11th New Hope PA for all the 411 Check THIS out
Femme Fever Gala Ball April 18th Ronkonkoma NY for more info CLICK HERE