Crossdressing In Public What Was Your First Time Like ?

What was your first time out in public as a crossdresser like? How did you feel? What did you do? Where did you go? Were you nervous? Did you chicken out ??? I am coming up on my 1 year anniversary of officially being OUT of the closet...well again...for the second time after my long purge. So I been thinking alot about my first time going out in public as a crossdresser. I will share a my 2 firsts with you. Hopefully I'm finished with firsts in this category & it inspires at least one of you to get out the crossdressing closet. 

It was about 10 years ago, I finally got to a comfortable place with my crossdressing where I felt I had the confidence to go out in public and decided a safe place would probably be a CD/TG event.  After some research I found an organization that would host monthly parties . This was going to be my first night out. 

Nervous? Yes, I was pretty terrified, and waited till dark to slip out of my apartment to drive to the party. Is it just me? Or do you seem to drive a bit slower when you are crossdressed? 

Arriving at the venue and sat in my car gathering up the courage to just get OUT and walk across the street. I was pretty nervous and did not know what to expect and my thoughts got the best of me and worked me up into a ball of nervous energy. 20 MINUTES I sat there till I had said to myself " have been preparing and dreaming of this moment for WEEKS, you spent ALL that time getting ready, DROVE all the way here....if you do not get out of this car right now and walk in the front door you are going to be kicking yourself in the a$$ the whole way home, and you will regret it ! 

With that little motivational speech I got out the car, walked across the street in my WAY too high stripper heels ( 6 inches) and headed into the unknown behind that closed door. As soon as I entered  I was greeted right away by a gal pal I knew from an AOL chat room ( remember those? )  She had immediately put me at ease..what was I so worried about? What was the big deal? I learned that night that I was not alone, and that there are others in the world who are JUST like me. I didn't want that party to still hasn't .

Which brings me to my Second FIRST time OUT in public, after my 7 year purge from crossdressing Which was April 19th 2014. This time it was a little easier, but not by much. 

I decided to make my first trip back out out a big cd function ( why not right). It was one of Jennifer Bryants Raven Event's. 

I arrived the day before the event to scope out the hotel, the club, the restaurant, etc..settled in and figured I would use the night before to brush up on my makeup skills.

I Got dressed, did my makeup, now I was sitting in my hotel room alone and bored, so i popped a bottle of wine....drank that and my mind started wandering off...I JUST traveled over 200 miles, and I'm crossdressed, ALONE, in a hotel room ! What was I doing?? Was I crazy? Have I gone too far?? Did I go over the edge?? I undressed and tried to sleep, ...I just crawled in a ball and shivered all night.

In the morning, I thought about leaving...and coming up with an excuse as to why I missed the event ( I was meeting gals from there) . But I decided to at LEAST check out the Meet & Greet and if I hated it I could always use my excuse then. 

Showtime came and I drank up some liquid courage to help me get out the door (I wasn't driving,, the meet & greet was right downstairs in the hotel),

 I left my hotel room, and was nervous.....sooooo nervous that when I met my friend Samantha she could see I was visually shaken right away....Samantha grabbed me looked right into my eyes and said "Adriana..calm's going to be ok"...and you know what from that moment was ! 

It was nice to have a big sister like that , and she made me feel right at home and comfortable. 
I wound up staying the WHOLE weekend, even though I had a few first time blunders ( wig disasters, spilled, drinks, falling in my heels etc )...but it WAS fun...and I went to the next, and the next, and the next.....

It was kinda like riding a bike....but it can be overwhelming at first....being alone in the hotel room with just my thoughts was prob not a good idea looking back. 
I encourage those still in the closet to give it a shot and get out & live the life you want to live & those of you gals who are OUT to be a big sister and lend a helping hand to any girl looking to get out in public. Each one teach one & let's all pay it forward. 

Got a going out in public as a crossdresser story you want to share with us? Feel free to add your story the comment section below.